
Mexican Activists Discover New Cartel Crematorium near Border with Texas

Authorities in the Mexican border state of Tamaulipas have confirmed the discovery of two separate locations used by cartel gunmen to kill and incinerate the remains of their victims. Cartel crematoriums and clandestine gravesites have become almost commonplace in various parts of Mexico as criminal organizations try to avoid attention by not leaving bodies behind. The disposal of remains also allows government officials to hide the levels of violence by filing most cases as missing persons instead of murders or kidnappings.

Activists search for human remains in a cartel killing field near the border with Texas. (

Colectivo Descubre Nuevo Campo De Exterminio en Tamaulipas

Las autoridades del estado fronterizo de Tamaulipas confirmaron el descubrimiento de dos lugares utilizados por sicarios de los cárteles para matar e incinerar los restos de sus víctimas. Los crematorios de los cárteles y las fosas clandestinas se han vuelto algo común en varias partes de México, ya que las organizaciones criminales tratan de evitar la atención al no dejar cuerpos, algo que también permite a los funcionarios del gobierno ocultar los niveles de violencia al dar carpetazo a la mayoría de los casos como personas desaparecidas en lugar de asesinatos o secuestros.

Activists search for human remains in a cartel killing field near the border with Texas. (

Alleged Child-Rapist Migrant Released by Biden-Harris Admin Arrested by Texas DPS

Texas Department of Public Safety rangers and troopers arrested a 20-year-old Honduran national on a warrant for aggravated sexual assault of a child under the age of 14. The man, recently added to Texas’ 10 Most Wanted Criminal Illegal Immigrants List, was released by the Biden-Harris administration in 2021 on an order of recognizance.

Texas Rangers and troopers arrest Honduran man on 10 Most Wanted Criminal Illegal Immigran